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My name is Moroni J. Holm and I am running for president.

Our country has been over-run by socialists in every sense of the word.
We have a Constitution that is torn and mangled and all the important founding principles in it are only hanging by a thin thread, all thanks to the God-hating few who have crept into our political ranks. We have only a few true-American freedom-loving patriots left in government. They seem to be the more religiously inclined of our leading class.
It stands to reason for me to see that when people in power begin to think that they are providential givers and distributors of the public's taxes, or by bullying banks and merchants through mandates to be overly fair to those irresponsible, they are changing the Constitution and it's purpose.
It also stands to reason for me that to legislate morality(which both parties do) they are also taking away personal choices(which is why, I was told, the devil was banished from heaven).
Too many laws. Too many regulations. Too many federal programs and projects. And too many half-wits pulling at our heartstrings.
Our federal budget is more than triple what it could be. I aim to change that.
Our debt is unsustainable without a responsible leader. Someone who will be willing and able to cut the fat.
I offer real free and true, to God, American change.
Not communistic change(Cuba and China).
Not Marxist change(USSR).
Not tyrannical change(Chavez).
Not a monarchy(England).
Not Theocracy(Rome or Iran)
Not Corporatism change(Obama).
Not National Socialism change(Nazi).
And no collective moralist change(New World Order).
We don't need the UN in our pockets. And we don't need the world to instruct us on good behavior. We need God in our hearts to make a righteous choice.
Showing posts with label America. Show all posts
Showing posts with label America. Show all posts

Monday, February 20, 2012

Attempted Terrorist Attacks

Starting the timeline at 9-11 is how the War on Terror is promoted. If we are to counter the misnomer that "the terrorists attacked us first" we need to start the historic timeline before 9-11.

This is what I say to moderates or conservatives in an attempt to counter that misnomer:

In the 2000 election one of the major presidential candidates criticized the foreign policy of the previous administration (Clinton's) by saying that "our soldiers shouldn't be used for what's called nation-building" and "policing the world" and "if we go around the world telling other people what to do, they will resent us".

That is exactly what the foreign policy of the 1990s (and earlier) was all about, and many people in other countries DID resent the US for "policing" their countries and "telling them what to do".

Saddam Hussein was encouraged and helped by US intelligence in his war with Iran from 1980-88. US (and Soviet) weapons helped Saddam stay in power by suppressing minorities in Iraq (Kurds and Shi'ites). Once he consolidated power, he invaded Kuwait after a US diplomat said that the US wouldn't object.

Instead of letting Arab countries remove Saddam, the US pushed the UN to sanction the Persian Gulf War (an undeclared war that left Saddam in power). This resulted in US military bases in Saudi Arabia (that remained long after the Gulf War was supposedly over), along with a lot of "telling other countries what to do", "policing" their Muslim holy sites and the "no-fly zones" over Iraq, and the occasional bombing of Baghdad in the 1990s.

Don't forget the intervention in Somalia to secure the UN's humanitarian mission in 1992, which was ramped into a "nation building" scheme in 1993. The 'Black Hawk down' incident turned the country against that blunder, and most of the troops came home, but then came the interventions in Bosnia and Kosovo for the rest of that decade. All of those were "policing the world" and "nation-building" schemes to help the "poor helpless Muslims join the 20th Century", as Clinton and the national press corps repeated ad infinitum.

But some of them didn't want "our help" and resented the arrogance of outsiders to "tell them what to do" and station our troops on their land, aiding corrupt dictators (Mubarak) and monarchs (Bahrain, Jordan, Kuwait and the Saudis) and meddling in their internal affairs.

Some of them resented the US enough to attack the US government embassies in East Africa and the US military in the Middle East (Khobar Towers in Saudi Arabia and USS Cole in Yemen). And then, around the time of the 2000 election, 19 of them were already in the US, working on their plan to fly planes into the WTC towers on 9-11.

The "resentment" had already boiled over into a few attacks on the US abroad. But even though that 2000 presidential candidate was not sincere about changing the policy (he responded by expanding it, instead) we now have a presidential candidate that not only makes the same statements, but has a proven record of voting for a "humble foreign policy" of "no nation-building" and "no policing the world".


People are tricked into thinking that someone saying something is the same as them doing it. They remember Bush saying those things in the 2000 elections, and they foolishly assume that "he tried it and it didn't work; 9-11 happened".

Sadly, you can't make people think, but you can keep trying to talk sense until you find people willing to listen and think. And keep trying different ways to explain things if people don't understand your first try. Resist the temptation to dig in your heels if people don't get it at first.

We (in the r3VOLution) have plenty of knowledge and information.

Unfortunately we have too little wisdom.

There is a huge difference between the two.
by Cliff Hutchison comment: Antiwar Conservatives: on Facebook, under John Lofton's post, "Attempted 'Terrorist' Attacks"

Friday, October 8, 2010

Our Constitutional right to seceed.

Our government was designed to withstand many types of friction. Secession was in the law for a reason. If the Civil war hadn't happened, then I contend, we would have gone further than we had as it refers to slavery and race relations. We were leaning hard that way already. Blacks were already in government and elected office at that time. I feel deeply the loss of many lives. The slaughter of fine men who died for or against secession. A law in the Constitution.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Small Government is Constitutional Government

Who says we have to continue to stay the course? I say no. No to Federal Government Governing. We have little need for the President to set rules and guidelines for more than interstate commerce, sealing the borders and protecting them with troops and patrols, and directing and conducting a military that is staffed with Generals, Colonels, and Sargents. They need staffs and a central control, but all enlisted men and women below these ranks need not be perpetually employed. War is hell. Why have constant combat? Why have duty in other places where we are not at war?
Vetoes should be often. And treaties should be few. Recess appointments are sneaky, yet are necessary only if nomination processes are stalled.
I believe the way states should be controlled is by rating them by comparative records. No state should be mandated to do more for their people. They should not have a federal regulation to be followed. Only to obey the Constitution and allow the Federal Government to fulfill all of it's duties. There is no reason to litigate if there is not intervention prior. The relationship between the states and federal government should be in intervening between states due to conflicts and compacts and contracts and to enforce the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

My Presidential Promises

*I will balance the budget and deplete our debt immediately within the first year and every year thereafter.
*I will stop all foreign aid. Monetary and military, especially the UN peacekeepers. We need our troops helping to secure our border. We need to prepare them to be ready for UN backlashes. We are so close to world dominant control supported by the Federal Reserve and it's sisters: IMF and Goldman Sachs.
*I will be an example of good Christian character with values for all to see.
*Internet should be free to all. there are few who should not be able to access it. It is a freedom that should be allowed, unrestricted. My aim is to make it
*I will have a moratorium of income taxes and return payments. This is a form of welfare that is just another way to control the population. We need freedoms not control. People would be left alone to realize their Maker, and may be free to worship without government restrictions.
*I will repeal all laws and taxes that go to pay for them that were forced upon us in the last few presidential terms.
*States will not be mandated by federal programs and bureaucracies, therefore if a state wishes to continue a welfare and/or a free service, it will not receive federal funds.
*I will investigate the claims made by Lieutenant Colonel Terry Lakin and intend to do justice in that case.
*Aside from the Constitution and the Bill of Rights, states should not be regulated nor mandated outside the courts. States will have one mandate that will be pressed upon them. That is that all will stay solvent and will not let 3-1/2 years go by without having a debt free year.
*Homeschooling is a right. It will be encouraged with steps and procedures and best practices with workshops on the internet. All will be encouraged to see history as it was and not how it can be twisted or ignored as in times, past and present.
*I will push for the return of the vote to property owners.
*I will make federal land affordable. I will take land grabs that the BLM holds including the ANWR and sell it to US citizens to repay our federal debts. No land should be preserved for wildlife without the express individual state's input. The green movement should have a movement somewhere else.
*All land owned by the UN,in America, will be confiscated and will be paid market price for it to clear all ownership rights.
*Government is to teach and inform only in ways that keep out of all citizen's family life. Family and education and marriage are sacred to individuals and governments and communities have no business in another family's sovereign home without invitation.
*I will press for a law to be voted on that will eliminate political confiscation of private property. It will be the sovereign right of the individual to own, except in times of financing. When the banks are cleared from the title, the land will be cleared complete and will be naturally patented to the true owner.
*I will levy taxes only upon those who own real estate and it should be 1% of value. Taxes should not based upon earnings.
*I will make it so that those on government assistance should not see taxes nor a ballot box.
*I plan to make steps to repair our sovereignty. To break away from the United Nations. And will present my blueprint for an amendment to distance ourselves from the UN. It is full of rogue nations that are run by thugs and tyrants and for the most part are shooting for our demise. They want the United States of America to pay for reparations worldwide. And so does Barrack Hussein Obama, in the form of Carbon Credits.
*I will set up a best procedures, progressive in nature, training program for all governments to learn from. And will develop standards of excellence which all states, counties and cities will not be mandated to follow, but will be graded and compared and rated on. This will replace most federal programs and bureaucracies with state and local controls. This will return our liberties and freedoms.
*Income tax is for those who are here to prosper but choose not to patriate.
*I will pay off all Communist nations first. And will press for an amendment to never do business with them until they reform. As long as we are free and they are not, we have little in common. Money is a standard, but not a treaty form. Where is their incentive for humane practices?
*I will eliminate as many federal programs as possible. Including EPA, Dept. of Education, and IRS(which is not even part of the government).
*All goods from foreign nations should have a tariff. And it should be based upon the humane conditions, whether they are free,and whether they have sanitary living standards.
*I will eliminate the Federal Reserve Bank. It pays those who have only their own interests at heart. It is not a part of the government. It lends money to foreign countries. It lends money to USA. It borrows from the China and Russian and rogue nations. The money system is flawed. I propose we return to the Constitution. I propose that the US Senate return to it's primary position as a state legislature elected post. What we need is the Senate to come together for a special session every quarter and determine the market value of the dollar. And to control all aspects of it's existence. As the market fluctuates and needs adjustments often, it should be done quarterly. It should require all to vote and a 2/3rd's vote to pass to change status.
*All law abiding citizens should be free to have a gun and a holster on their hip.
*I will press for an amendment to restrict the federal government from banning states from making laws against the destroying of life(abortion) that does not endanger the very life of the mother as in the case of tubal ligation. because I believe in the preservation of life of all innocence... especially the life of the unborn. Who can argue against them having a right to life? Precious innocence... Who is their executioner? Is he/she also their judge? Let them live. Let them love their country. God bless America.

Immigration remedies for our Arizona Illegal Alien laws

I will seal the border with a real fence and will revamp the citizenship laws to make it easier to become a citizen. No duel citizenship at all. No true patriot wants two or more homelands. It was retarded to allow it in the first place. Our government has been playing games with the populations of the world. they have made a lottery, red tape, and silly quota requirements to allow those who wish to become Americans. How terrible the lies that they use to argue their points. Population controls? Nasty inhumane garbage the globalists assume. They used to make charges that our oil supplies would be depleted years ago. they made the charge in the 1970's that there would be global cooling. Now it is global warming. They are trying to scare us into submission. Population control is supporting the mass death(culling) of our planet. It is a lie straight from the Devil.

Friday, May 14, 2010

Loss of American Citizenship and Assassinations

Imagine you are sitting home on a quiet Sunday afternoon in conversation with your beloved spouse. Suddenly your husband slumps over, blood draining from his head as a sniper's bullet shatters your living room window. Your husband has just been assassinated by a government agent and it is later discovered -- after ten years of painful inquiries carried out under the threat of your own assassination -- that your husband was targeted as an enemy combatant and a terrorist. Just as easily, you and your entire family could have been killed in a home invasion in an attempt to cart off your husband for weeks of torture and lifetime detention or execution in an unknown Federal facility. Your investigation might also reveal that your loved one was targeted mistakenly by a bureaucrat or was a political enemy of officials in the government or their corporate allies.

Thus could be the very near future for American citizens if President Obama, Senator Joe Lieberman and people like Mayor Rudy Giuliani get their way. Lieberman (with Senator Scott Brown (R-MA) and Congressmen Jason Altmire (D-PA) and Charlie Dent (R-PA)) introduced the "Terrorist Expatriation Act" last week. The act would strip "terrorists" of their American citizenship and is in response to the recent attempted bombing of Times Square by an American Citizen -- a former Pakistani granted this privilege in 2009 (Faisal Shahzad). It would make it very convenient to torture and kill any person that is viewed unfavorably by the powerful and arrogant elite sitting in Washington D.C. today. In fact, the New York Times reports that the President has authorized the assassination of American Citizen Anwar al-Awlaki who was born in New Mexico and now is reportedly plotting against America from Yemen.

On ABC's "This Week" (5/9/10), Mayor Rudy Giuliani permanently lost my support when he advocated removing Miranda Rights from American Citizens who are "terrorists". " I would have instead declared him an enemy combatant" says Giuliani of the naturalized American Citizen arrested and accused by the State; an American Citizen who has not even had a 5th amendment right to a trial to ensure he is not actually wrongly accused. Who else would Giuliani, Obama or George Bush declare an "Enemy Combatant"? Would they quietly kill them in the field after a period of torture? Given the categorization of anyone with a Ron Paul or "Don't Tread on Me" bumper sticker as a potential danger to the state and the Department of Homeland Security report on "Right Wing Extremism", just who does the government think a "terrorist" is? Excerpts of an article by David McKalip, M.D. from Campaign for Liberty

Monday, May 10, 2010

When I am elected

Politicians are only in office for a short time until they are running again. They are constantly seeking donations to their campaigns. It takes millions to run each time. It may be a two year vote, but then they have to be in high gear again. My complaint is that they are in a money mindset. Millions and we just keep it coming. I am determined to get them thinking about their patriotism and not pocket grease.

Monday, May 3, 2010

Immigration remedies for our Arizona Illegal Alien laws

This is a perfect example of trickery. National Identification Cards were opposed by most Americans until now. Look at what is sparked. The federal government has been waiting for a state like Arizona to do this. Now we will want ID's for everyone. We only need to patrol the borders and keep the illegal out at the line. Now we have 100 mile safe zones from the borders where the illegals will be tolerated. All due to the policies of the last 4 presidents.
I say safe zones because our I.C.E. is set up in the strangest locations and if legal ESL Americans do not carry their papers at all times, they may also get deported. Why should anyone free, be required through checkpoints. Can't you see tyranny?
We should be working the borders and securing it with our guns. We should be eliminating all red tape for naturalization of all responsible world citizens who want to become citizens.
Work visas are abused and ignored. We don't need them to extend past 1 month. We also don't need to be wishy-washy with our border.

Jon Voight calls out Barack Obama

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

I was hoping for change that we can believe in

In the election process when the primaries were tallying and it became apparent that Mike Huckabee would not have enough delegates in a state(I don't recall which one). Instead of allowing another conservative candidate to get his votes and delegates, he placed his support for John McCain. He should have given the delegate votes to either Mitt Romney or better yet, he should have given his support to Ron Paul a true conservative. I hold the loss to the Democratic candidate, squarely on the shoulders of first, Mel Martinez, Mike Duncan and then Governor Huckabee. Barrack H. Obama has an agenda that will be the undoing of the Constitution, if left to his plans. And we have a mess to clean up with the amount of non-conservative Republicans. We have little to work off of, since the constitution is hanging by a tiny little thread. All due to weak and useless representatives and candidates. A real true patriotic black candidate, if that is what we really wanted, hands down, would have been Alan Keyes. At least he loves our Constitution.

Monday, March 29, 2010

Companies Have a Voice The States do not.

Some Anti-Americans think that, "Congress is God," That, "Every law is just," and that, "We all should hate those who make large amounts of money."
I don't think that way, and neither do most of my friends. America was inspired when we were first formed well over 200 years ago. Inspired by our God to break free from tyranny and oppression. We have no business causing or allowing tyranny and oppression upon any person or entity in our nation.
Our Constitution was designed to limit the power and scope of government. Now it is hard to find people in our society that think it would be a good thing for government federal and local to shrink to it's rightful place and size.
The Senators once were elected by the legislators of each state. Now they are elected by the general election process. This is one place where America went astray.

Monday, February 22, 2010

My thoughts, as scattered as they are honest.

I was raised by religious people. That makes me naturally lean conservatively in politics. While growing up, I was told by my parents and teachers that Martin Luther King Jr.'s dream that character would be what people looked for in others, rather than what they looked like, was vital to liberty and freedom.
There would be less people in jails and prisons. We would have less taxes. we would have less laws. We would have less people relying on government and more on each other, in our families our friends and our churches.
Throughout the last 20+ years that I have been a professional truck driver, I have spent less time listening to music stations, and more to talk shows like Rush Limbaugh, George Putnam, Larry Elder and "the nearly famous Barry Young". To name a few. I have loved their truthfulness and candor. They were also full of whit. Using humor and logic to address the mistaken notions of those who were so-called educated.
I am convinced that I am in love. In order of importance: I'm in love with God. I'm in love with my family. I'm in love with America. I am in love with the Constitution. I'm in love with all people. I love the truth.
The truth is that freedom and liberty are natural enemies to government. We need to reset our country back to where hope and change mean something.