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My name is Moroni J. Holm and I am running for president.

Our country has been over-run by socialists in every sense of the word.
We have a Constitution that is torn and mangled and all the important founding principles in it are only hanging by a thin thread, all thanks to the God-hating few who have crept into our political ranks. We have only a few true-American freedom-loving patriots left in government. They seem to be the more religiously inclined of our leading class.
It stands to reason for me to see that when people in power begin to think that they are providential givers and distributors of the public's taxes, or by bullying banks and merchants through mandates to be overly fair to those irresponsible, they are changing the Constitution and it's purpose.
It also stands to reason for me that to legislate morality(which both parties do) they are also taking away personal choices(which is why, I was told, the devil was banished from heaven).
Too many laws. Too many regulations. Too many federal programs and projects. And too many half-wits pulling at our heartstrings.
Our federal budget is more than triple what it could be. I aim to change that.
Our debt is unsustainable without a responsible leader. Someone who will be willing and able to cut the fat.
I offer real free and true, to God, American change.
Not communistic change(Cuba and China).
Not Marxist change(USSR).
Not tyrannical change(Chavez).
Not a monarchy(England).
Not Theocracy(Rome or Iran)
Not Corporatism change(Obama).
Not National Socialism change(Nazi).
And no collective moralist change(New World Order).
We don't need the UN in our pockets. And we don't need the world to instruct us on good behavior. We need God in our hearts to make a righteous choice.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

I was hoping for change that we can believe in

In the election process when the primaries were tallying and it became apparent that Mike Huckabee would not have enough delegates in a state(I don't recall which one). Instead of allowing another conservative candidate to get his votes and delegates, he placed his support for John McCain. He should have given the delegate votes to either Mitt Romney or better yet, he should have given his support to Ron Paul a true conservative. I hold the loss to the Democratic candidate, squarely on the shoulders of first, Mel Martinez, Mike Duncan and then Governor Huckabee. Barrack H. Obama has an agenda that will be the undoing of the Constitution, if left to his plans. And we have a mess to clean up with the amount of non-conservative Republicans. We have little to work off of, since the constitution is hanging by a tiny little thread. All due to weak and useless representatives and candidates. A real true patriotic black candidate, if that is what we really wanted, hands down, would have been Alan Keyes. At least he loves our Constitution.

Monday, March 29, 2010

Companies Have a Voice The States do not.

Some Anti-Americans think that, "Congress is God," That, "Every law is just," and that, "We all should hate those who make large amounts of money."
I don't think that way, and neither do most of my friends. America was inspired when we were first formed well over 200 years ago. Inspired by our God to break free from tyranny and oppression. We have no business causing or allowing tyranny and oppression upon any person or entity in our nation.
Our Constitution was designed to limit the power and scope of government. Now it is hard to find people in our society that think it would be a good thing for government federal and local to shrink to it's rightful place and size.
The Senators once were elected by the legislators of each state. Now they are elected by the general election process. This is one place where America went astray.

Monday, March 1, 2010

I love America

Freedom is the opposite of government involvement.
Liberty is the opposite of Tyranny.
We have less of Freedom and Liberty in 2010 in the United States of America.
Our Constitution assures us of them, but our government denies us of them, all the same.